The transfer process can take up to three-months, sometimes longer. There are different steps involved in the transfer of a property, these include: Instruction. A conveyancer receives the instruction to transfer the property. Communication. The conveyancer communicates with the various
How is a deceased’s estate administered?
The administering of a deceased estate is regulated by the Administration of Estates Act No 66 of 1965 (as amended) and divided according to a valid will or the Intestate Succession Act No 81 of 1987 (as amended) or a
How to get divorced if it’s your only option
If a married couple has decided on getting divorced, the process may seem daunting and uncomfortable. However, it can be done efficiently, but there may still be a lot of emotional difficulty involved. It’s important to note that divorce is
Dealing with a difficult debtor
Going about collecting debt can be a stressful and confusing business. It only gets more frustrating when someone who owes you money doesn’t pay it back. If someone does owe you money (a debtor), then there are certain legal steps