When you think of something original and make a product based on that idea, such as a song, then you essentially have a claim to that product as if it were your own property. Intellectual property (IP) refers to something
Co-ownership of land
The word “co-ownership” in relation to land means that two or more persons own land simultaneously in undivided shares. A share in land does not represent, and may not be held to represent a defined portion of land. A co-owner
Differences between the Domestic Violence Act and the Harassment Act
There are people who suffer emotional and physical abuse on a daily basis but are not quite sure what they can do to prevent it. There are two options available to them. They can either apply for a Protection Order
Right to a fair trial
After the Oscar Pistorius saga everyone is wondering about the procedures of a murder trial. In this article we will discuss the right to a fair trial. In the case of Zanner v Director of Public Prosecutions, Johannesburg (107/05) [2006]